Who Are Your Heroes?

Who are your heroes?

In one day, I found myself in the presence of many:

  • A man, who in the midst of a busy, fast-paced work day, stopped and smiled at the sight of a little girl. He took the time to speak to her, make her laugh, and detoured from his original destination to give her the gift of a piece of chocolate.
  • A driver, who honked his horn to warn me of a high-speed car racing by me on the road.
  • A complete stranger, who offered me an outstretched hand as support to assist me in climbing over a chair in an extremely crowded place when there was no other way to reach my destination.
  • A dear friend and colleague, whose selfless support and advice guided me to overcome a challenge.
  • A woman, who confided in me her anxiety and depression over her own health issues while expressing her strong desire to maintain her strength to continue caring for her elderly husband.

Each experience is an example of kindness.

Each experience is an example of compassion.

Each experience is an example of fearlessness.

Kind, compassionate thoughts and actions
in the face of fear are hero
ic. [Source: @sandy_sauchelli]
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In the big picture, overwhelmed by seemingly unsolvable conflicts and challenges in our lives and in our world, we can lose sight of the heroism that exists before our very eyes, and the heroes and heroines that we ourselves can be. When we choose to think and act toward ourselves and others from a place of kindness and compassion despite the bombardment of fear-based attitudes and actions occurring all around us, we are courageous. We are living and being the love we truly are and contributing to the greater good of the collective consciousness. We are heroines. We are heroes.

With Love, Light, and Gratitude,

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